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Rob Ballard, Stover Country Park (Devon CC)


Project nominated for: A38 Stover Park

Nominated by: David Goodwin-Hughes, Kier Highways 

Rob's nominator tell us why he was nominated:


Rob has been the most enthusiastic member of the project team and has been key in ensuring that all key people

are involved in critical decisions. He has hosted the vast majority of the meetings and has helped coordinate the

whole project which far beyond what was expected of him.



As a warden at Stover Park Rob takes great pride in the Park and it is the integrity of his passion towards all elements of the park and the benefits of the scheme that has helped motivate people to achieving the success this project has enjoyed.


To ensure every opportunity was taken to save a tree or enhance the benefits, Rob was always on hand throughout design and kept an ever-watchful eye whilst under construction. His cheery nature also helped brighten the dampest of days with his infectious enthusiasm.


Despite numerous challenges faced on site a solution was always found, with Rob always keen to wade into debates and offer create solutions. This ensured the most appropriate solution was developed through design and was in keeping with the park land setting into which it was integrated.



Throughout the scheme Robs knowledge of the park and the species that make it so special made sure that everyone was aware of the biodiversity that we were all trying to protect and enhance. This ranged from ensuring the species rich soil was stripped and used and choosing native reeds.


How Rob has gone the extra mile to enrich and enhance biodiversity on this project…

As a warden Rob was occupied with the day to day running of the park. His commitment to restoring the parks biodiversity so it maintains its SSSI status meant that he has been passionate about delivering this project. He could have kept to just doing his day job, but his knowledge, experience and passion about biodiversity kept this in focus throughout from design to delivery. These benefits will continue to be felt as the reedbeds start doing their job and Rob can turn his focus to enhancing the rest of the park now that this critical stage is complete.

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