Overall winner 2021 prize sponsored by:

THE WILD GLADES, The Glades Shopping Centre
Judges' comments: The judges were impressed with the entrants’ approach to taking what may be seen as an industry-standard green roof and providing high quality enhancements and follow up monitoring to maximise the benefits of this space. The proximity to city shoppers (over 4 million a year) and the fantastic community engagement undertaken (pop up natural history and a biodiversity festival school and borough council engagement) has brought nature to people who may not have had this opportunity and the continuing monitoring and engagement will continue to educate and enthuse the residents of Bromley and visitors to the Glades.

Client Award sponsored by

Heathrow Airport Biodiversity management
Heathrow Airport Ltd
Judges' comments: The judges were impressed by the long term commitment and levels of enthusiasm for very high quality ecological mitigation and management at scale.
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Community Engagement Award sponsored by

THE WILD GLADES, The Glades Shopping Centre
Judges' comments: The extent and quality of engagement for this project is impressive, natural history pop up museums, a biodiversity festival reaching over 80,000 viewers and 71 schools and a fantastic website reaching people that may not regularly engage with nature. Also reaching out to Bromley Council to demonstrate the potential to make this a borough wide approach.

Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award sponsored by:
(Large - medium scale biodiversity enhancement 5ha and above)

Tilbury 2
Judges' comments: The judges felt that this submission was honest and demonstrate when mistakes had been made the right steps had been put in place to ensure it didn’t happen on the project again. The commitment to develop new processes and procedures shows that when mistakes are made these can be learnt from.

Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award sponsored by:
(small scale biodiversity enhancement of up to 5ha)
Bournemouth University, Artecology
Judges' comments: Coastal habitats are often neglected, out of sight out of mind, this initiative not only provided habitat enhancements but provided the monitoring to demonstrate success and to encourage wider uptake. This is taking an innovation that was demonstrated at a small scale and scaling up for greater impact, this could be scaled again and we would encourage the entrants to seek UK wide opportunities.

Innovation Award sponsored by:

Judges' comments: The use of monitoring to help inform this project was praised by the judges. Monitoring especially post construction is not common practice across the industry so this combined with the use of 3D modelling the judges felt showed real innovation. The use of this information in stakeholder engagement was also commended.

Biodiversity Legacy Award sponsored by:
Biodiversity at Green Park
Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd
Judges' comments: This project demonstrated the importance of continual review and improvements. It had a strong focus on biodiversity from the start but this has been built upon. The judges were impressed to see that the focus had moved to creating habitats and focusing on new species to increase the diversity of the landscape.

Pollinator Award sponsored by

Bee Friendly Campaign
Meadfleet Limited
Judges' comments: The long term impact of this project and scale is really interesting. The potential that has been identified through the land holdings and the judges were impressed to see that the knowledge had been embedded within the business which is very admirable.

Construction Phase Award sponsored by:

BeeOmonitoring at Hallsville Quarter (HQ) development
Bouygues UK and Linkcity
Judges' comments: The use of bees as biodiversity and pollution indicators has the potential to deliver meaningful results over time and at a scale not feasible to provide with regular surveys. The project sought to humanise the urban landscape by the creation of spaces for residents. The ultimate aim of providing facilities was well thought through and combined with a positive benefit for biodiversity.

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Working with our members and the wider industry, we have delivered over 1,000 collaborative projects, providing authoritative guidance and helping to solve common industry challenges. Our varied programme of research projects encourage industry collaboration and help improve the quality, efficiency, cost effectiveness and safety of the modern built environment. Current research proposals covering biodiversity issues include: